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Default settings for a specific MFP device can be set.


Model/Serial/IP Address

These are read-only fields that provide information on the device.



This is an optional field where the physical location of the device can be entered.


Default User

A default account can be set in the solution designer on a per device basis or system wide for all devices. If the application is in default account mode no login screen will be displayed but a splash screen. The default account will be used for logging into Thereforeā„¢.


Default Category

A default category can be set in the Solution Designer on a per device basis or system wide for all devices. If a default category is set the category panel will be skipped. All scans will be saved into the predefined category.


In the Scan Settings tab the default scanner settings to be used by the device can be set. These can either be System Default or specified separately.


Before setting these defaults for a specific device, for the first time, please start the Thereforeā„¢ MFP Application in order that device functionality can be registered.




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