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Mapping of archived Thereforeā„¢ documents to the corresponding NAV document is achieved through allocation of a barcode. If an order is made in NAV and posted there, the resultant posted vendor invoice must be allocated a barcode, as shown in figure 29, in order to create a connection to archived (or still to be archived) Thereforeā„¢ documents. The corresponding field will already have been added to the purchase invoice card in NAV.

Figure 29: Navision: Posted Purchase Invoice - allocation of barcode

Figure 29: Navision: Posted Purchase Invoice - allocation of barcode


When creating a new Thereforeā„¢ document via the Thereforeā„¢ Viewer in the Thereforeā„¢ folder

NAV 2013 >IncomingDocuments>PostedVendorInvoice (Barcode) and allocating the index data, the barcode also needs to be entered (see figure 30). As the date is a mandatory field, it must also be entered. Mapping index data is carried out through NAV. An identical barcode is sufficient for mapping purposes.

Figure 30: Thereforeā„¢ Viewer: Allocation of barcode

Figure 30: Thereforeā„¢ Viewer: Allocation of barcode

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