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Introduction > Integration with SAP NetWeaver > Customizing Guide > Basic Customizing

Checking Content Repository


To check the settings you can use the SAP NetWeaver transaction SE38 and the program RSCMST . Please note that this action is only recommended on TEST systems, but not on PRODUCTION systems.


1.Key in /nse38 into the command line a hit ENTER. Type RSCMST into the Program input field. Click the Execute icon (F8).

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© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved

2.In the REPOSITORY input field please type in the identifier of the Content Repository to check, or select it from the list. Click the Execute icon (F8).

© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved

© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved

3.A list of all tests is displayed.  Now either all test can be run by Clicking the Execute icon (F8), or each individual test can be started by clicking the Execute icon to the left of the test.

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© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved


A successful test ends with a green indicator, displayed on the left side of each test type.

In case that a test run  reports an error the indicator turns to red color, and the corresponding information can be displayed by pressing the INFO button below.

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