The Capture Client includes an ad-hoc OCR feature. After an image is scanned, you can then automatically populate an index field with information sourced from the scanned image.
1.Scan a document or import a file (TIFF) from disk. The image will be displayed in the right pane of the Capture Client application.
2.Open the index data window for the scanned image.
3.Select the index field that you want to populate with the OCR value by left-clicking on the field. In our case Invoice Date.
4.Use the zoom function to enlarge the image so that the value can be seen clearly.
5.Move your mouse to the upper left corner of the value to perform OCR.
6.Hold down the CTRL key and then draw a box around the value.
7.When finished release the mouse.
8.The value will automatically populate the category index field.
