Enabling a Category for Full-Text Searching |
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The full-text search functionality in Therefore™ is powered by dtSearch, www.dtsearch.com and allows you to search for documents which contain specific text strings.
Requirements for full-text searching within Therefore™:
1.During the Therefore™ installation the Full-Text Search feature must be selected.
2.Also during installation you need to specify a language for the noise-word list (e.g. "I", "am"). These words will be excluded from the indexing. Note: this list can be edited if required. Note: there are also some language pairs available which will exclude noise words from both languages.
3.Besides out-of-the box support for a large number of file formats (see http://support.dtsearch.com/faq/dts0103.htm), Therefore™ offers full-text searching on a number of image formats. To activate this, open the full-text search settings and select the OCR language(s) that will be used to do OCR on the image files. By default image-only PDFs and TIFs are included, but other image types can also be included under the advanced full-text settings.
4.By default a new category is activated for full-text. If required, this can be deactivated under the category's Advanced settings.
•The full-text service checks for new documents every 5 minutes, but can be manually started in the Therefore™ Console by stopping and then starting the service. •For information on additional full-text search settings see the Full-text Search in the reference section. |