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Manage Error Instances


How do I manage error instances?


Some workflow tasks may be in an error state, for example if a problem with an automatic task prevented the workflow from proceeding.



Only users with Operator permission can see the instance error information and clear errors.


1. When you view a workflow inbox, workflow instances in an error state are labeled with a red mark, as seen below. Only users with Operator permission can see the error message in the hit-list.



2.Double-click an error instance to open it. In the Thereforeā„¢ Viewer, a warning is displayed above the document, informing you that the workflow is in an error state. More detailed error information is found in the Instance Details section of the Workflow Information pane. After rectifying the error, click Clear Errors in the ribbon menu to clear the error state and automatically retry the workflow instance. If the error was not rectified, processing will fail and the instance will again be in an error state.


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