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Therefore™ Help


Previous Document

Moves to the previous document in the currently active Navigator hit-list.


Next Documemt

Moves to the next document in the currently active Navigator hit-list.


View File

Open the file for read-only viewing in the associated program.


Edit File

Open the selected file for editing in the associated program.


Add Files

Files can be added to the document.


Replace File

The currently selected file can be replaced by a new file.


Remove Files

The current file will be removed from the document.


Check Out

Before a document can be modified, it must first be checked out (locked) to prevent some other user from modifying it at the same time. Other Therefore™ users may still view a locked document in read-only mode. While making changes, the document resides in the local user's Inbox. Deleting the document from the Inbox will discard any changes. An administrator can monitor locked documents and, if necessary, over-ride the lock (i.e. force an unlock without saving operation).  For example, a user who has locked a document but was forced to exit the Therefore™ system due to a power failure.


Check In

This opens a drop-down list with a Check In and an Undo check out option. Check In will check the document back in as a new version, and Undo check out will simply undo any changes and maintain the current version.

Index Data

Edit the document's index data.


Therefore™ Signature

Displays information for the Therefore™ Signature.


New Task

Opens the New Task dialog from where the user can create new tasks and assign these to other users.


Start Workflow

Start a new workflow instance for the selected document(s). A list of worklows linked to this category will be displayed and the user can choose one of these.


Link to...

Link this case to workflow tasks assigned to you.



All template profiles that the user has permission to access, and that apply to this document or case, are listed.


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