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Therefore Web API Programming Interface 1.0

Here is a list of endpoints available in the Web API. The endpoints can be enables or disabled (see Web API Configuration section for more details).


WSDL (metadata endpoint):



MEX (metadata exchange endpoint):




 http(s)://server_name:port_number/theservice/v0001/soapun - for basic credentials

 http(s)://server_name:port_number/theservice/v0001/soapwin - for windows credentials



 http(s)://server_name:port_number/theservice/v0001/restun - for basic credentials

 http(s)://server_name:port_number/theservice/v0001/restwin - for windows credentials


JSON/XML Help Page (use any link below):





Sample Json/Xml help page

Sample Json/Xml help page













OpenAPI/Swagger Definition & Postman Collection


For Web API REST endpoint, we are providing the following documents:

-OpenAPI (Swagger) definition version 2.0;

-Postman Collection version 2.1;


The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a standard, language-agnostic interface to RESTful APIs. The OpenAPI definition can then be used by documentation generation tools to display the API, code generation tools to generate servers and clients in various programming languages, testing tools, and many other use cases.


For more details about OpenAPI (Swagger) please refer to:


Postman Collection is a collection of pre-built requests. You can import the provided Therefore Web API collection into Postman ( For the instructions please see





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