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Therefore Web API Programming Interface 1.0

There are two places where WebAPI writes log messages, the Windows Event Log and the log files.


Windows Event Log

In the Windows Event Log the most significant information is logged: it’s error and warning messages as well as information about starting, stopping, and configuration settings of the service.

To find messages from the Web service API, see the event source “Therefore Web API”.


Sample of Windows Event Log messages:



Log Files

More detailed information with debug and info messages about operations is written in the log file. By default, additional common information about operations performed by web service is logged into the log file. Note that the log file output can be configured via Windows registry. For more details see Web API Configuration.


Default path to the main log file is



You can see sample log folder content below. In the therefore_web_api.log file the latest messages are written. The other files are backup files.



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