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Therefore Web API Programming Interface 1.0

Instead of adding Service Reference as it is described in section "Add Service Reference in Visual Studio" you can reuse Service Contract DLL.


Therefore.WebAPI.Service.Contract.dll contains all messages, data structures and service types. It might be easy to use this contract dll types instead of types from auto generated proxy. In the Web API SDK samples, you can find examples about how to perform operations on the server with different authentication scenarios and in a multi-tenant environment.


Service Contract dll can be found in

a) Therefore server installation folder: ...\Therefore.WebAPI.Service.Contract.dll

b) or in SDK Samples in folder: ...\Samples WebAPI CSharp\SharedContract\Therefore.WebAPI.Service.Contract.dll


This assembly can be used in projects starting from .Net Framework version 3.5 (Client Profile).



SDK Samples: You can find samples with shared contract in the Web API SDK Samples in the ThereforeSDKSamples solution (not in Advanced folder).
Please take a look at Comon project at first. Here you can find code sample how to create the service client. Please update endpoint Url in class ThereforeServiceConnection before running sample projects.


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