Create a Microsoft Word document based on Thereforeā¢ Document or Case

To add controls to a Microsoft Office template, the Developer tab needs to be enabled in the ribbon. For example, in Microsoft Office 2013, this can be enabled in the Options under the File tab.
1.Open the Microsoft Office template, for example a Microsoft Word template. Click on the Thereforeā¢ tab in the menu. Under Create Profile select New Template Profile.

2.Give the profile a name. In the box Microsoft Office template, give the template a name, then click the browse button and choose Save current document as template. Click Save to save the template into Thereforeā¢. Now select the category or case from which the index fields should be taken. Depending on the type of template, various Microsoft Office controls can be added. Click on Add Control to add content controls, form fields, or document properties. You can assign an index field value to each control from the Assignment drop-down list for each control. Click OK to save the template profile.

3.By default the Thereforeā¢ user group will all be able to see and open this template from the context menu of the case or category that it has been linked to.

Links to specific template profiles can be added to manual workflow tasks. For example, to create a response letter that has the client's details already filled in from the index data of the Thereforeā¢ document or case that started the workflow.

To restrict this to only certain users or groups, open the Thereforeā¢ Solution Designer and right-click on the template profile and select Security. Configure the user permissions as required. Users with Read permission will be able to open and use this template from the Thereforeā¢ Navigator ribbon menu.
Create an Outlook e-mail based on a Thereforeā¢ Document or Case
1.Open Microsoft Outlook and create a blank new e-mail. Save it as an Outlook Template (*.oft).
2.Open the Thereforeā¢ Solution Designer and create a New Profile for Microsoft Office.

3.Give the profile a name. In the box Microsoft Office template, give the template a name, then click the browse button and choose the Outlook Template that you saved in step 1. For Template Type, choose Office.

4.Now select the category or case from which the index fields should be taken. Click on Add Control to add the required e-mail controls. You can assign an index field value to each control from the Assignment drop-down list for each control. Click OK to save the template profile.
Adding all the files from the Thereforeā¢ document as attachments
Enter the following script into the Script field:
count = FileCount
for i= 0 To FileCount -1
myDoc = GetFile(i)
AddMailAttachment myDoc, "MyDocName" & i
•To attach only the first file use myDoc = GetFile(0)
•"MyDocName" & i is the name of the attachment, e.g. MyDoc0.pdf
3.By default the Thereforeā¢ user group will all be able to see and open this template from the context menu of the case or category that it has been linked to.

Links to specific template profiles can be added to manual workflow tasks. For example, to create a response letter that has the client's details already filled in from the index data of the Thereforeā¢ document or case that started the workflow.

To restrict this to only certain users or groups, open the Thereforeā¢ Solution Designer and right-click on the template profile and select Security. Configure the user permissions as required. Users with Read permission will be able to open and use this template from the Thereforeā¢ Navigator ribbon menu.