How do I embed eForms within a URL?
An eForm’s link for URL embedding can be constructed using the following template:
In this example, the “FormNo” is the number of the form found in the Therefore™ Solution Designer or in the link of the browser when you access/edit the selected form.
This link requires the user to log in to the forms portal using a regular Therefore™ User Account.
To allow anonymous access (=external access) enter: add ?allowanonymous=1:
No login for the user is required with the above link.
E.g. <iframe id="theIFrame" src="https://localhost/TWA/Client/forms/embed/46?allowanonymous=1" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>. Where https://localhost/TWA/Client/forms is the base url, “/embed/46” shows form number 46 has been embedded.
Or to include additional features, such as a bordered frame:
<iframe id="theIFrame" src="https://localhost/TWA/Client/forms/embed/46?allowanonymous=1" frameborder="BORDER" width="800" height="800"></iframe>
Optional Query Parameters: The following list contains several other query parameters that can be used when embedding eForms:
i.allowanonymous=1 : Anonymous/external usage where login is not required, it requires eForms users to be setup in the Therefore™ Web Client before-hand.
ii.ssotoken=<token> : A valid JWT token to login user (e.g. from another authentication source, such as a company portal).
iii.postaction=thankyou : Show a 'Thank You' page following a successful submission.
iv.postaction=close : Close browser window following a successful submission.
v.postaction=redirectto : Redirect the browser window following a successful submission (value in redirectUrl).
vi.redirectUrl =<url to redirect to> : Url encoded url to redirect the browser. |
Example: How an embedded form can appear on a company website.