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Open the application.



No splash screen is displayed.


Open the document with the specfied document number.

No space between d and docno i.e. -d123 for docno 123.


Print document <docno>



Open document in read only mode.

Does not ask for server rights.

<filepath and Name>

Open document <filepath and Name>

e.g. c:\temp\a0008.1.thex

<filepath and Name> -o

Open document <filepath and Name> in offline mode.

Therefore Server cannot be available.

<filepath and Name> -p

Print document <filepath and Name>


–t<instanceno> or -t<instanceno.tokenno>

Open the document with workflow for <instanceno> and <tokenno>

tokenno can be 0 or can be omitted, then the best tokenno will be shown


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