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In this customizing activity, you link a document type to an SAP NetWeaver® Object Type, a Content Repository and a link table. This has the following effect on documents of this document type:

The documents can only be linked to instances of the specified Business Object type.

The link entry is entered in the specified link table.

The documents are always stored in the specified content repository.


To add or edit Links for Content Repositories navigate to Edit Links under Basic Customizing. The Choose Activity dialog will open, click on the required activity and click Choose.

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© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved

1.To edit an exiting link, click on the Display/Change icon (Ctrl+F4). To add a new document type click New Entries.  Once done click Save.

© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved

© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved


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