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In the table below, you can find all the supported configuration parameters for iOS and Android configurations.



Parameter Name

Parameter Type, Values


Server name



Name of the server or IP address

Port number


String (numerical value)

Port number on which Thereforeâ„¢ XML Web Service listens for connections

Tenant name



Name of user’s tenant

Automatic Login


String (YES/NO)

Set it to YES to enable automatic login otherwise set it to NO.

WARNING: Capitalization in the parameter name is mandatory.

Keep captured images


String (YES/NO)

Switch on to store each image captured from within Thereforeâ„¢ Go into the 'Therefore' photo album on an iOS device.

Load All Workflows

(Tablets Only)


String (YES/NO)

Set it to NO to avoid initial loading of workflow instances for all processes. Useful in case of huge amount of workflow instances, which takes too much time to load all of them and might cause timeout exception in Thereforeâ„¢ Go (mobile application). Default is YES.

Resize captured images



0 – Original Size,

1 – Small (1 Megapixel),

3 – Medium (3 Megapixels),

8 – Large (8 Megapixels).

Resizes the images to the selected option. Please note that images will not be enlarged if a size larger than the original size is selected. In this case, the original photo will be kept. Only the following values are permitted: 0,1,3,8.

Latest accepted Terms of Service


string, 0,1,2,3 …

Set it to a dedicated version (1, 2, 3, …) to confirm that this version of the Terms and Conditions are accepted by you. 0 means that the Terms and Conditions need to be accepted by every user manually.



Insecure HTTP endpoints are not supported in Thereforeâ„¢ Go; please switch to Web API service endpoints to use secure HTTPS protocol in order to connect from the Thereforeâ„¢ Go application.


Sample for IBM MaSS360


To configure parameters in IBM MaaS360 by using a Key/Value source (please see example on the figure below).


Figure 1: Sample Configuration Parameters for Thereforeâ„¢ Go in the IBM MaaS360 management console.

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