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Reference > Thereforeâ„¢ Dynamic Web View

Add Hoc Tasks


New Task/Edit Task




Name the Subject of the Task.


Assign to:

Assign the task to a User or Group.


Start date:

Provide a due date for the task to begin.


Due date:

Provide a due date for the task to end.


Task mode:

At what stage is the task in its process.



Click on one of the notification options from the two tick boxes:


 Send a notification e-mail to assigned users.

 Sends an email to assigned users notifying of changes that have occurred in the process of this specific task.


 Send me a notification e-mail when the task is updated.

 Sends an email to the task creator  notifying of changes that have occurred in the process of this specific task.



Provide instructions or messages to other users or groups along the process.



'Assign to' (User and Groups) Dialog:



Select the Domain.


Object Type



•Users and Groups


Search for

Input field for the display name search criteria, or a wild-card search.



List of users and groups to select from.


Select -->

User or Group that the task will be delegated to.








Saves the changes made to the document.


Revert Changes

Revert back to the previous version of the document.


Show Index Data

Show the index data of the selected document.


Download File

Download the selected document in its original file format.


Start Workflow

Initiate the workflow for the document.


Start Task

Create a new task for the document.




Opens selected task in the hit-list.



Opens the 'Task Editor' for the selected task in the hit-list.



Deletes the selected task in the hit-list.

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