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Please follow these steps to upgrade from an older version.


1. Stop the Therefore_MEAP application on the device via SMS. To access the SMS, log in to the Remote UI, then click Service Management Service on the portal page.



To start the SMS, navigate to https://(IP address of the device):8443/SMS (on older devices: http://(IP address of the device):8000/SMS).



Note: When upgrading from versions 3.6 and below it is required to uninstall the app


2.Ā Upgrade to the latest Thereforeā„¢ version. Install and configure the "Therefore_MEAP.jar" as described in the installation process.




Note: Due to a change in how configurations are handled, downgrading from version 4.2 or above to a version lower than 4.2 requires the app to be uninstalled. Whenever you uninstall the application on a device, check that the configuration has been properly removed by going to MEAP Application Setting Information Management. If it shows up as "Uninstalled", then the device does not support automatic removal and you should Delete it manually.

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