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This tab is only available for dependent fields, and in this case regular expressions and automatic links are not possible.


Depends on (Read-only)

This is the field that the field depends on.


Table Name (or View) (Read-only)

The name of the database table or view.


Column Name:

This is the name of the column in the table or view which will be used to populate the field.


Dependency Mode:


Editable Redundant

If this is selected, a snapshot of this column is copied to the Thereforeā„¢ database and the field is not updated if changes to the referenced table are made. If this field is changed, the other dependent fields and the primary field will not be updated.


Synchronized Redundant

If this is selected, a snapshot of this column is copied to the Thereforeā„¢ database and the field is not updated if changes to the referenced table are made. However, if this field is changed, the other dependent fields and the primary field will be updated from the referenced table.



This is the default setting. The field value is fetched from the referenced table.



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