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Automatically moves documents in Smart Capture to the final category.





Name of the task.



For automatic tasks this can be left at 0.


Type (read only)

This is by default set to Move to Final Category.



Displays the Move to Final Category dialog.





Choose the category the document should be saved into.



The advanced scripting options are the same as those found in indexing profiles.


Auto-append mode

Set the auto-append mode behavior for saving the document if the destination category is auto-append enabled. The setting selected here will override the category default setting unless the option Category default is chosen.


For each field of the new category, enter the desired value under Assignment. The drop-down box will display fields from the source category. These can then be matched to the fields in the destination category, listed on the left under Category field. Customized VB scripting can also be used for assignments.



Note: that scripting may not be used for this task to set the category or use multiple categories in the assignments.



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