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This task is especially designed to cover the issue where one task has to be processed by several people in parallel, where it is not clear at design time, who and how many people need to approve an item. This task was specifically designed for when different approvers are required for individual line items in an invoice.


This task must be used in conjunction with a table field in category design, where each user is assigned to approve a single line item of an invoice when the invoice is saved to the category. Users can be assigned using their Thereforeā„¢ username, not display name, ideally with integration to a user database.



Name of the task. Appears as the task name in the Workflow Designer.



For automatic tasks this can be left at 0.


Type (read only)

Task type is set to User-split by the system (read only).



At minimum, a User split task, must be followed by a manual task, and a merge task. The depicted workflow is not best practice since a reject path is not available, but it indicates the minimum required to enable the User Split task to function.




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