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Creating a New Case Definition


The easiest way to explain the concept behind the electronic cases or binders is to consider the paper based equivalent. This could consist of a file binder, perhaps with a cover page containing overall information, for example, the case number and customer details. Inside there could be a number of file dividers to distinguish the different types of documents belonging to the case. For example, reports, quotes and correspondence. In Thereforeâ„¢ the equivalent electronic form would consist of a case definition which contains the overall information and then individual categories which define the type of documents contained in the case.


In addition, this feature also supports the concept of workflows without documents. For example a customer support workflow that can be triggered by a telephone call, where there is no e-mail or other document to start the workflow.


hmtoggle_arrow0        How do I create a new case definition?


hmtoggle_arrow0        How do you create a new category within a case definition?

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