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Installation & Upgrade > Upgrading Thereforeā„¢

Upgrading Thereforeā„¢ Clients


Thereforeā„¢ provides a way for administrators to allow, or require users to update their client software.


1.Run the Thereforeā„¢ Configuration Wizard and go to the Updates tab. Check Enable Thereforeā„¢ Client Updates and specify the directory where the update files will be stored.



If Force all client to update to the latest available version is checked, then users will not be able to continue using Thereforeā„¢ without upgrading.

To roll-out the update the following files must be copied to the Update directory: "Therefore.xml", "ThereforeClientUpdatesConfig.txt" and the client update files. This can be done manually or automatically by checking Copy the latest Thereforeā„¢ Client updates from this location and then browsing to the folder where you download the latest setup files. In the client setup folder, select the file 'Therefore.xml'.


2.Once you finish the Configuration Wizard, all users will receive a notification of the update the next time they open a Thereforeā„¢ Client.



Starting with Thereforeā„¢ 2016, the Thereforeā„¢ Easy Updater is installed by default in Thereforeā„¢ Client setups. It installs a 3rd party service on the client machine which allows users to install updates pushed out by administrators without requiring administrator rights on the client machine.

Thereforeā„¢ Easy Updater has also been included in Thereforeā„¢ 2014 Update 6 and Thereforeā„¢ 2015 Update 4. Note, however, that if Thereforeā„¢ 2014 is updated to Update 6, then the pre-Thereforeā„¢ 2016 roll out procedure is not supported.


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