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Installation & Upgrade > Upgrading Thereforeā„¢

Upgrading to the Latest Version


Notifications of updates are sent out to Thereforeā„¢ administrators and users that opt in. From this notification it is then possible to download the software and install the update. In addition, administrators are able configure updates for all Thereforeā„¢ Clients.


1.When an update arrives, Thereforeā„¢ administrators and users that opt in will receive a pop-up notification. Clicking on the link opens a dialog with details. Click on the Info button to see information on the new version or a list of all the fixes included in an update. Then, to download the update, click on Download and save it to the machine with the Thereforeā„¢ Server.



2.Before starting make a FULL BACKUP of your database, the buffer folder and the software registry key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Therefore


3.If the full-text noise-word list was been manually changed, this should be copied to a safe location for use later, as it will be overwritten during installation.


4.Now you can upgrade the Thereforeā„¢ Server. Depending on your version follow Thereforeā„¢ 2014 or later, follow the instructions below.



If you're upgrading from Thereforeā„¢ 2015 or earlier:

Make sure all System categories and their related keyword dictionaries and referenced tables are present before upgrading to a newer version. If any of these have been deleted, first re-import them from C:\Program Files\Therefore\TheCtgry_XXX.xml (where XXX is the category language) before upgrading.



If you upgraded from Thereforeā„¢ 2014 or earlier:

Starting with Thereforeā„¢ 2015 all objects (e.g. categories, referenced tables, workflow processes etc.) are assigned a unique ID which improves handling of export and import. This is done automatically when upgrading to Thereforeā„¢ 2015, so no user interaction is needed. However, if you are using a test system to test configurations before importing them into a production system, follow this procedure:

1.Backup as explained above and then upgrade your production system first. This will assign unique IDs to all objects.

2.Export your whole configuration.

3.Uninstall your test system and then install the latest version.

4.Import the configuration you exported from your production system.


Starting with Thereforeā„¢ 2015, the syntax for self-referencing workflow transition conditions must be changed. This applies to both cases and categories. See the example below, which checks for documents in another case category.


Pre-2015: (SELECT COUNT(0) FROM dbo.TheCat1 cat WHERE cat.CaseNo = dbo.TheCase1.CaseNo) > 0

2015:         (SELECT COUNT(0) FROM dbo.TheCat1 cat WHERE cat.CaseNo = T0.CaseNo) > 0

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