GetWorkflowInstance |
Scroll |
SOAP Action (POST)
Gets the workflow instance by number.
Input Message:
Element Name |
Element Type |
Restrictions |
Description |
â– parameters |
â– InstanceNo |
xs:int |
mandatory |
Sets number of the instance to load from the Thereforeâ„¢ server. |
â– TokenNo |
xs:int |
mandatory |
Sets the number for the workflow token to load. If set to 0, the server will try to find the closest matching token. |
Output Message:
Element Name |
Element Type |
Restrictions |
Description |
â– parameters |
â–¡ ChecklistItems |
nillable |
Gets the checklist items. |
≡ WSWFChecklistItem |
list nillable |
â– Checked |
xs:boolean |
Gets the status of the checklist item. |
â– SeqPos |
xs:int |
Gets the sequence position of this checklist item in the whole checklist. |
â– TaskNo |
xs:int |
Gets the number of the task this checklist item belongs to. |
â–¡ Text |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the text to display this checklist item. |
â–¡ HistoryEntries |
nillable |
Gets the list, history events. |
≡ WSWFHistoryEntry |
list nillable |
â–¡ ActionDate |
xs:dateTime |
nillable |
Gets the date and time the history entry was created. |
â– SeqPos |
xs:int |
Gets the sequence position of the history entry in the history. |
â–¡ TaskName |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the name of the task where the history entry was created. |
â– TaskNo |
xs:int |
Gets the number of the task where the history entry was created. |
â– TaskToNo |
xs:int |
Gets the number of the task where the workflow instance was routed to. This property is only set if type is RoutingEntry or ReroutingEntry. |
â–¡ Text |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the text for the history entry. |
â– Type |
restriction enum (xs:string) - WFStartEntry (1) - WFFinishedEntry (2) - SaveEntry (3) - RoutingEntry (4) - ClaimEntry (5) - UnclaimEntry (6) - ReclaimEntry (7) - DelegateEntry (8) - DocLinkedEntry (9) - DocLinkRemovedEntry (10) - OverdueMailEntry (11) - OverdueRoutingEntry (12) - ReroutingEntry (13) - CustomEntry (99) |
Gets the type of the entry. - If type is CustomEntry then check CustomEntryTypeNumber for more detailed info. |
â–¡ UserName |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the user name of the user who caused the history entry. |
â– UserNo |
xs:int |
Gets the Thereforeâ„¢ user number of the user who caused the history entry. |
â– CustomEntryTypeNumber |
xs:int |
Gets the type number of the custom entry. - Value 14 means that the current history entry describes a WF split task. - Value 15 means that the current history entry describes a WF merge task. - Value 16 means that the current history entry describes a WF exception merge task. - Value 17 means that the current history entry describes a WF user split task. - Value 18 means that the current history entry describes a WF error. |
â–¡ LinkedDocuments |
nillable |
Gets the list of linked documents. |
≡ WSWFDocument |
list nillable |
â– CaseDefNo |
xs:int |
Gets the case definition number of the linked workflow case. |
â– CaseNo |
xs:int |
Gets the case number of the linked workflow case. |
â– CategoryNo |
xs:int |
Gets the number of the category the linked workflow document belongs to. |
â– DocNo |
xs:int |
Gets the document number of the linked workflow document. |
â– DocPos |
xs:int |
Gets the sequence position of the linked workflow document in the linked documents list. |
â–¡ IndexDataString |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the index data string of the linked workflow document. |
â–¡ NextTasks |
nillable |
Gets the list of the next tasks. |
≡ WSWFTask |
list nillable |
â– AllowMultiSelection |
xs:boolean |
Determines if more than one user can be selected for the task. |
â– AskForPwd |
xs:boolean |
Determines if the user has to enter his password in order to complete the task. |
â– AssignFromFieldNo |
xs:int |
Gets the field number of the Thereforeâ„¢ index field, which contains the information about the user this task should be assigned to. |
â– ChoiceCount |
xs:int |
Gets the number of TheWFChoice objects in the workflow instance. |
â–¡ Choices |
nillable |
Gets the list of choices in the workflow instance. |
≡ WSWFChoice |
list nillable |
â– TaskNo |
xs:int |
Gets or sets task number. |
â–¡ UserName |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets or sets user name. |
â– UserNo |
xs:int |
Getrs or sets user number. |
â– UserType |
xs:int |
Gets or sets user type. |
â–¡ DisplayName |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets or sets user displayname. |
â– Duration |
xs:int |
Gets the maximum duration for the task in days. |
â– Guid |
xs:string |
GUID string template: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12} |
Gets the GUID of the task. |
â– IsDelegationDisabled |
xs:boolean |
Determines if delegating the task is allowed or not. |
â–¡ Name |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the short name for the task. |
â– ProcessNo |
xs:int |
Gets the process number of the process the task belongs to. |
â– SeqPos |
xs:int |
Gets the sequence position of the task in the process definition. |
â– Type |
restriction enum (xs:string) - StartTask (1) - EndTask (2) - ManualTask (3) - AutomaticTask (4) |
Gets the type of the task. |
â– UseChecklist |
xs:boolean |
Determines if the user info is used as checklist. |
â– UserChoice |
xs:boolean |
Determines if the user the task will be assigned to has to be chosen. |
â– VersionNo |
xs:int |
Gets the version number of the workflow process the task belongs to. |
â– TaskNo |
xs:int |
Gets the unique number of the task. |
â–¡ ActionTypeId |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the action type id of the task. (sample values: 'sendmail', 'changecat', 'startwf', 'routing', 'wait', 'updateixdataex', ...). |
â–¡ Transitions |
nillable |
Gets the list of transitions. |
≡ WSWFTransition |
list nillable |
â–¡ ActionText |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the text describing the action behind this transition. |
â– IsDefault |
xs:boolean |
Gets information if this transition is default or not. |
â– IsHidden |
xs:boolean |
Gets information if this transition is hidden or not. |
â– IsValid |
xs:boolean |
Gets information if this transition is currently valid for the loaded Workflow Instance (depending on the conditions defined). |
â– RequestInfo |
xs:boolean |
Gets information if the user needs to add a comment before he or she can finish the task. |
â– SeqPos |
xs:int |
Gets the sequence position of the transition in a transition list. |
â– TaskFromNo |
xs:int |
Gets the task number of the task from which this transition starts. |
â– TaskToNo |
xs:int |
Gets the task number of the task in which this transition ends. |
â–¡ Description |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the description of the transition |
â–¡ WorkflowInstance |
nillable |
Gets the workflow instance properties. |
â– AskForPwd |
xs:boolean |
Determines if the user has to enter his password in order to complete the current task. |
â–¡ AssignedTo |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the user name of the user the instance is currently assigned to. |
â– ChecklistItemCount |
xs:int |
Gets the number of check list items in the workflow instance. |
â– Claimed |
xs:boolean |
Gets the claimed status of the instance. |
â–¡ CurrTaskName |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the name of the current workflow task for the instance. |
â– CurrTaskNo |
xs:int |
Gets the number of the current workflow task for the instance. |
â– CurrTaskType |
xs:int |
Gets the type of the current task. |
â– DelegationDisabled |
xs:boolean |
Determines if delegating the current task is allowed or not. |
â– HistoryEntryCount |
xs:int |
Gets the number of history entries in the workflow instance. |
â– InitiatorNo |
xs:int |
Gets the user number of the user who started the workflow instance. |
â– InstanceNo |
xs:int |
Gets the unique instance number of the workflow instance. |
â– IsAssignedToUser |
xs:boolean |
Determines if the user is in the list of potential claimants for the instance. |
â– IsChangeCtgry |
xs:boolean |
Determines if the current task is a category change task. |
â– IsProcessOwner |
xs:boolean |
Determines if the current user has process owner rights for the workflow instance. |
â– LinkedDocCount |
xs:int |
Gets the number of linked documents in the workflow instance. |
â– NextTaskCount |
xs:int |
Gets the number of next tasks in the workflow instance. |
â–¡ ProcessDueDate |
xs:dateTime |
nillable |
Gets the date when the current workflow instance should be finished (routing / processing). |
â–¡ ProcessName |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the name of the workflow process the instance belongs to. |
â– ProcessNo |
xs:int |
Gets the number of the workflow process the instance belongs to. |
â–¡ ProcessStartDate |
xs:dateTime |
nillable |
Gets the date when the current workflow instance was started. |
â–¡ TaskDueDate |
xs:dateTime |
nillable |
Gets the date when the current task instance should be finished. |
â–¡ TaskStartDate |
xs:dateTime |
nillable |
Gets the date when the current task instance was started. |
â–¡ Text |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the long additional text information for the current workflow instance. |
â– TokenNo |
xs:int |
The unique number of the current workflow token. |
â– TransitionCount |
xs:int |
Gets the number of transitions in the workflow instance. |
â– UseChecklist |
xs:boolean |
Determines if the user instructions are displayed as a checklist. |
â– VersionNo |
xs:int |
Gets the version number of the workflow process the instance belongs to. |
â–¡ ErrorInfo |
xs:string |
nillable |
The error info of the current workflow. |
â–¡ ErrorString |
xs:string |
nillable |
The error code of the current workflow. |
â–¡ ErrorTimestamp |
xs:dateTime |
nillable |
The error timestamp of the current workflow. |
â–¡ AssignedToUsers |
nillable |
Gets list of claimants for the instance. |
≡ UserNo |
xs:int |
list |
â–¡ OriginallyAssignedToUsers |
nillable |
Gets list of original claimants for the instance. |
≡ UserNo |
xs:int |
list |
â–¡ CurrentTask |
nillable |
Gets the current workflow task for the instance. |
â– AllowMultiSelection |
xs:boolean |
Determines if more than one user can be selected for the task. |
â– AskForPwd |
xs:boolean |
Determines if the user has to enter his password in order to complete the task. |
â– AssignFromFieldNo |
xs:int |
Gets the field number of the Thereforeâ„¢ index field, which contains the information about the user this task should be assigned to. |
â– ChoiceCount |
xs:int |
Gets the number of TheWFChoice objects in the workflow instance. |
â–¡ Choices |
nillable |
Gets the list of choices in the workflow instance. |
≡ WSWFChoice |
list nillable |
â– TaskNo |
xs:int |
Gets or sets task number. |
â–¡ UserName |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets or sets user name. |
â– UserNo |
xs:int |
Getrs or sets user number. |
â– UserType |
xs:int |
Gets or sets user type. |
â–¡ DisplayName |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets or sets user displayname. |
â– Duration |
xs:int |
Gets the maximum duration for the task in days. |
â– Guid |
xs:string |
GUID string template: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12} |
Gets the GUID of the task. |
â– IsDelegationDisabled |
xs:boolean |
Determines if delegating the task is allowed or not. |
â–¡ Name |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the short name for the task. |
â– ProcessNo |
xs:int |
Gets the process number of the process the task belongs to. |
â– SeqPos |
xs:int |
Gets the sequence position of the task in the process definition. |
â– Type |
restriction enum (xs:string) - StartTask (1) - EndTask (2) - ManualTask (3) - AutomaticTask (4) |
Gets the type of the task. |
â– UseChecklist |
xs:boolean |
Determines if the user info is used as checklist. |
â– UserChoice |
xs:boolean |
Determines if the user the task will be assigned to has to be chosen. |
â– VersionNo |
xs:int |
Gets the version number of the workflow process the task belongs to. |
â– TaskNo |
xs:int |
Gets the unique number of the task. |
â–¡ ActionTypeId |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the action type id of the task. (sample values: 'sendmail', 'changecat', 'startwf', 'routing', 'wait', 'updateixdataex', ...). |
â– IsSmartCaptureVerification |
xs:boolean |
Determines if the current task is a Smart Capture Verification task. |
â– |
Not nillable element. |
â–¡ |
Nillable element. |
≡ |
List of elements. |
Bold |
Mandatory element. |