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Click on the search icon and enter “Therefore” to display the Therefore™ Setup. If it is not found, the Connector has not been installed successfully or the user lacks permissions. Installing the connector adds the "THE-ADMIN" permission which is required to access this page. The Setup only needs to be done once and affects all users of that company.


For the connector to work correctly, the following settings need to be configured:






The username entered needs to be valid in Therefore™. It will be used for late document linking as well as synchronizing the Therefore™ configurations. For synchronization, 'Read' permissions on the desired categories will be sufficient.

For late document linking edit permissions are also required to update the index data.


Decimal Separator:

The decimal separator character needs to match the settings in Therefore™. This will ensure the correct transfer of decimal values.


If <Default> is selected as “Decimal Format” in Therefore™, the default of the operation system is used. In Business Central a deserialization error will be displayed if the decimal separator is configured incorrectly:




Delete Log Date Formula:

This formula determines after how many days the logs should be deleted. For details regarding the possible syntax click here or use one of the examples:





This will delete all logs older than 10 days.


This will delete all logs older than two weeks.


This will delete all logs older than a year.



Note: Units


Please note that the units are dependent on the system language. For example, D becomes T in German.


Show progress dialog:

Shows a small dialog instead that displays the status of a longer running operation.


View document after saving:

Opens the document in the Therefore™ Web Viewer after saving it with the Drop Zone.


Detailed Logging:

Turns on detailed logging to help track down problems.


The logs can be shown here:



Web Service URL:

The URL of the Therefore™ Web Service, e.g.,


Therefore™ On-Premises:



Therefore™ Online:



Name of the current tenant. Will be empty if the system does not use multi-tenancy.



The chosen method for authentication.



This option will use the account of the currently logged-in windows user.



This option will bring up a dialog for username and password when using the Therefore™ Drop Zone for the first time. A stay-signed-in token will be generated so re-entering the credentials is not required.


Therefore Username / Therefore Password:

The username entered needs to be a valid user in Therefore™. It will be used for late document linking and (delayed) saving of outgoing documents. For ‘late document linking’, read- and edit-permissions are required to update index data. For saving documents, permissions to create new documents as well as editing existing ones are required (if multiple versions are allowed).



This option will bring up the settings for connecting via OAuth2/OpenId



The Authentication Url and the Token Url as well as the Client ID and the Client Secret need to match your login provider.

The Redirect Url needs to point to the OAuthLanding.htm, for example, https://server name/BC170/OAuthLanding.htm


For Office 365/Azure AD the URLs should read as follows:


Authentication URL

Token URL

Redirect URL


The required Scopes are: openid


Open Document URL:

This URL points to the Therefore™ Web Viewer that should be used.

It uses a special syntax with placeholders for docNo and ssoToken:


To use the Therefore™ Dynamic Web View the URL needs to be adapted as follows:

Therefore™ On-Premises:


Therefore™ Online:


To use the Therefore™ Classic Web Client the URL needs to be adapted as follows:

Therefore™ On-Premises:


Therefore™ Online:


*%1 will be replaced with the document number.

*%2 will be replaced with the single-sign-on token.


To use the installed Therefore™ Viewer to open a specific document please adapt the following URL:



E-Mail Recipients:

Specify e-mail recipients that should be notified in case the NAS Job Queue cannot save a document. It is possible to enter multiple addresses here, separated by a “;” symbol.

E-mail sending can be tested by clicking this button:


Sending e-mails relies on the built-in functionality of Business Central, so it also has to be configured there.


Search for “e-mail” and open the “Set Up e-mail” wizard:


After following the steps of the wizard make sure to click the test-button before finishing.


Clean Up

This function cleans up old links which are no longer needed.


This is done by checking the internal linking table against existing entries in BC. If some entry no longer exists in BC but there is still a link to a Therefore™ document stored it will be automatically removed. The actual document in Therefore™ will not be deleted, only the link will be removed.


Re-Queue Posted Sales Invoices


This function can run the configured report posted sales invoices again.

This could either be needed due to an error when attempting it the first time or because there was not yet a mapping / report configured before.


Clicking the Re-Queue Posted Sales Invoices button will open the following dialog:


For the option Create Standard Document you can choose if the re-queuing should always be performed or only when no Therefore™ document exists. For the filters you can configure which invoices should be checked. This can be done by a date, for example with a > operator, to check all invoices that were created after this timestamp. The documents will be re-queued for asynchronous creation by NAS.


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