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Reference > Command Line

Therefore™ Export Utility






Open the application.

-u<user> -w<password>

Open the application as the specified user.

No spaces between -u and user and -p and password. if there is a space in the username use "" around it.

<profile name>

The name of the export profile to use.

Put the profile name in "" if there are any spaces.  E.g. "Profile 1"

<export file>

The path to the export file.

Put the path "".  E.g. "D:\ExportInvoices\ExportInvoices.xml”



We recommend using a separate export path for each individual export.

The export folder will contain: the export-summary xml file and the exported documents in sub-folders.

Unlike in the GUI mode, restarting an export with command line, will not resume a previous export. All files will be exported again.