Printing from Therefore™ |
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How do I print documents that are stored in Therefore™?
1.Open the Web Application on your Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE device. By default the URL for Therefore™ MFP Print is https://<Name of Server>/TWA/MFP. The name <TWA> comes from the installation folder name, which can be edited during installation. Type in your user name and password and then click Log on.
For security reasons we recommend using https. |
•To make opening the application easier, you can create a favorite shortcut. We recommend using the name : "THE MFP Print". •In a Therefore™ multi-tenant system the default URL looks like this: http://server_name/tenant/... However it is possible to compact this URL using subdomain mode. Then the URL will look like: http://tenant.server_name/... To change to subdomain mode, set the SubdomainMode key value to true in the Client web application's "web.config" file. |
2.A list of categories for which the user has permissions will be displayed. Choose the relevant category and click Next.
3.A search dialog will be displayed where search criteria can be entered to filter the search. Click Next when done.
4.A hist-list of documents will be displayed that match the search criteria. Select the relevant document and then click Next.
For documents to be listed the user must have both the Print and the Download permission in Therefore™. |
5.A pop-up dialog will open with various choices. The document can be viewed, printed or stored in the User Inbox. Select the appropriate option and click Next.
•Documents over 10MB cannot be viewed, but they can be printed directly, or stored in the User Inbox and then previewed before printing them from there. •If the number of documents in the hit-list exceeds 200, then the hit-list will be truncated. To help prevent this the search criteria should be more specific. •If the Print option of this dialog is grayed out, please check that: 1. The Direct Print Kit for PDF/XPS is installed (see system requirements). 2. The ‘Restrict Printing’ setting of the browser is set to ‘Off’. |
6.If View was selected the document will be opened in the internal viewer. To go back to the hit-list click on the back icon in the bottom menu.