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Thereforeâ„¢ Help

New documents can be added to Therefore™ directly from Therefore™ Web Access. The category dialog is displayed­—where index data can be entered and files uploaded.



In the Solution Designer under Advanced settings it is possible to block certain file extensions to stop potentially harmful files being stored to Thereforeâ„¢.



The user can select files for upload.


Files in Document:

The uploaded files will be listed. To delete a document from the list click on the X icon.



After the index data has been input the document can be saved to Thereforeâ„¢.  Note all uploaded files will be included in the composite Thereforeâ„¢ document.


As one document

All uploaded files will be combined into a single Thereforeâ„¢ document. See Saving Documents for more information on using default values, taken from the file properties, to auto populate the index fields.


As separate documents

Each uploaded file will be saved as a separate Thereforeâ„¢ document.