GetObjects |
Scroll |
SOAP Action (POST)
Gets a list of a specified object from the server.
Input Message:
Element Name |
Element Type |
Restrictions |
Description |
■ parameters |
■ Flags |
mandatory restriction enum (xs:string) - GetNoFolders (1) - GetAllFolders (2) |
Specifies if a folder should be part of the retrieved items or not. |
■ PermType |
restriction flag (xs:string) ☑ IgnorePermissions (0) ☑ OperatorPermission (1) ☑ AdminPermission (2) ☑ SetPermPermission (4) ☑ AccessPermission (8) ☑ TheSystemConnectPermission (16) ☑ TheSystemWritePermission (32) ☑ CategoryArchivePermission (64) ☑ QueryAdminPermission (128) ☑ QueryExecutePermission (256) ☑ QueryCtgrytabsPermission (512) ☑ KeywordDictionaryChangePermission (1024) ☑ QueryTemplatesReadPermission (2048) ☑ DocViewinHitListPermission (4096) ☑ DocViewDocPermission (8192) ☑ DocPrintPermission (16384) ☑ DocExportSendPermission (32768) ☑ DocViewAnnotationPermission (65536) ☑ DocHideAnnotationPermission (131072) ☑ DocViewHistoryPermission (262144) ☑ WfParticipatePermission (262144) ☑ DocAddAnnotationsPermission (524288) ☑ WfAddDocPermission (524288) ☑ DocDeleteAnnotationsPermission (1048576) ☑ WfViewHistoryPermission (1048576) ☑ DocEditPermission (2097152) ☑ WfDelegatePermission (2097152) ☑ DocUpdateIndexDataPermission (4194304) ☑ WfViewAllPermission (4194304) ☑ DocAddPagePermission (8388608) ☑ WfDeletePermission (8388608) ☑ DocDeletePagePermission (16777216) ☑ DocDeleteDocPermission (33554432) ☑ CategoryFieldReadPermission (268435456) ☑ CategoryFieldSetPermission (536870912) ☑ CategoryFieldChangePermission (1073741824) |
DEPRECATED: Use the RoleAccessMask parameter instead. Sets filter on permissions the connected user has. Default value is 'IgnorePermissions'. |
■ Type |
mandatory restriction enum (xs:string) - Unknown (-1) - Server (1) - Document (2) - Category (3) - Field (4) - DataType (5) - MediaPool (6) - Media (7) - IndexingProfile (8) - SpoolType (9) - Query (10) - User (11) - Group (12) - CaptureProfile (13) - PreProcessor (14) - COLDForm (15) - QueryTemplate (16) - Folder (17) - LoaderProfile (18) - WorkflowProcess (19) - WorkflowTask (20) - WorkflowInstance (21) - KeyDict (22) - StoragePolicy (23) - Device (24) - StorageArea (25) - RetentionPolicy (26) - Count (27) - UniversalConnectorProfile (29) - CaseDefinition (37) - Case (38) - Stamp (40) - ReportDefinition (41) - eForm (47) - eFormSubmission (48) - FormImage (99) - Keyword (100) - Migrate (101) - Connectors (900) - StorageCtgry (901) - ServerMediaPools (902) - StorageAreaMedia (903) - ServerDevices (904) - ServerMedia (905) - TheSystem (1000) - COLD (1001) - ExchangeConnector (1002) - LotusConnector (1003) - SAPConnector (1004) |
Sets the type of the object. Note: the following object types are not supported by this method: Document, Case, WorkflowInstance. Use queries instead. |
□ RoleAccessMask |
xs:unsignedLong |
nillable |
Sets the access mask of the permissions. See also: operation GetRolePermissionConstants. If not set the PermType parameter is used (or its default value). |
Output Message:
Element Name |
Element Type |
Restrictions |
Description |
■ parameters |
□ FolderList |
nillable |
Contains the list of all folders for the specified object type. |
≡ WSFolder |
list nillable |
■ FolderNo |
xs:int |
mandatory |
Gets the folder number. |
■ Foldertype |
xs:int |
Gets the type of the folder. |
■ Guid |
xs:string |
GUID string template: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12} |
Gets the GUID of the folder. |
□ Name |
xs:string |
nillable |
Gets the name of the folder. |
■ ParentFolderNo |
xs:int |
mandatory |
Gets the number of the parent folder. |
□ ItemList |
nillable |
Contains the list of retrieved objects from the server. |
≡ WSFolderItem |
list nillable |
■ Data |
xs:int |
Gets additional context sensitive meta data of the item. |
■ Flags |
xs:int |
Gets flags of the item. |
■ FolderNo |
xs:int |
mandatory |
Gets the folder number of the folder containing the item. |
■ Guid |
xs:string |
GUID string template: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12} |
Gets the unique GUID of the item. |
■ ID |
xs:int |
mandatory |
Gets the unique ID of the item. |
□ Name |
xs:string |
mandatory nillable |
Gets the name of the folder item. |
■ |
Not nillable element. |
□ |
Nillable element. |
≡ |
List of elements. |
Bold |
Mandatory element. |