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Thereforeâ„¢ Web Access


By default the URL for Thereforeâ„¢ Web Access is:


For On-Premises systems: http://servername/TWA


As a general feature Thereforeâ„¢ Web Access supports single sign-on for Windows users, but this needs to be supported by the browser too. Otherwise a customizable login page is displayed before the application can be accessed. The user is asked to enter their username and password (see table below). Furthermore, for access to be granted, a user license is required.


User Type


Active Directory or LDAP


Windows workgroup


Thereforeâ„¢ Internal user



In order to use this feature in Thereforeâ„¢, the WebDAV folder needs to be configured first.


1.Go to Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows features on or off. The Add Roles and Features Wizard will open.


2.In the Wizard, click on Next until the Server Roles section is displayed.


3.In the Roles dialog, expand the first Web Server (IIS) item, then the Web Server sub-item, and finally the Common HTTP Features section. Check the WebDAV Publishing option.


4.Click on Next until the you get to the Confirmation section, then click Install. Close the Wizard when the installation is complete.


5.Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.


6.In the IIS Manager, in the left pane (Connections), expand the server item > Sites > Default Web Site. The Default Web Site Home is displayed.


7.Click on the WebDAV Authoring Rules icon and then click on the Enable WebDAV options in the Actions panel on the right.


8.In the same panel, click on the Add Authoring Rule option. In the Add Authoring Rule dialog, select the following options:

a.Allow access to: All content

b.Allow access to this content to: All users

c.Click OK.


9.In the left pane (Connections), expand TWA > Client and click on the WebDAV folder. The WebDAV Home is displayed.


10.  Click on the WebDAV Authoring Rules icon. Select the existing Authoring Rules and click on Edit in the Actions panel on the right.


11.  In the Edit Authoring Rule dialog, change the Permissions section by granting Read, Source and Write permissions. Click OK when done.


12.  In the IIS Manager, in the left pane (Connections), select the server item and click Restart in the Actions panel on the right.

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