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Reference > Solution Designer > Design > eForms Object > eForms Components > General Settings

Validation Tab




A required field must be completed before a form can be submitted. Indicated by an asterisks on the form.


Minimum Length

The minimum length required that this field must meet.


Maximum Length

The maximum length required that this field must meet.


Minimum Word Length

The minimum word length required that this field must meet.


Maximum Word Length

The maximum word length required that this field value must pass before the eForm can be submitted.


Regular Expression Pattern

The regular expression pattern test that the field value must pass before the form can be submitted.


Validate On

Determines when this component should trigger front-end validation.


Custom Error Message

Custom error message displayed when an error occurs.


Secret Validation

Check this to perform validation on the server side only; this maintains the privacy of the validation logic.


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