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Tutorials > Integration with Microsoft applications > Microsoft Office

Configuration for Editing Office Files in the Web Client


To edit office documents (.docx, .xlsx, and .pptx) in the Therefore™ web clients, OneDrive Cloud Storage must be set up in the Therefore™ Solution Designer.


First, set up OneDrive under the 'Storage' node. To do so, follow the steps outlined but select OneDrive from the drop-down menu under 'Cloud Storage provider'.



Additionally, the following steps are necessary.


1.Right-click on the Therefore™ object and select 'Settings...'.


2.In the Settings dialog, go to the Web Access Settings tab. Under 'OneDrive for editing', select 'Edit Office Documents' from the drop-down menu. Under 'OneDrive temporary folder', define a folder the files will be saved into in OneDrive. It needs to follow this format: </foldername>.



Note: Restricted OneDrive links


It is possible to restrict editing in OneDrive to users with a valid organizational account. This option works for OneDrive Business only.


In the Therefore™ Solution Designer, navigate to the following advanced setting: Right-click on the Therefore™ root object > 'Settings...' > 'Advanced' > Search for 'OneDrive restricted link'. By default, this is set to 'False'. Set it to 'True' to restrict access.




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