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Thereforeā„¢ Help

Thereforeā„¢ documents can consist of scanned images (e.g. TIFF images) and electronic based documents (e.g. Microsoft Office documents). Each document is saved in its original format and the Thereforeā„¢ file provides a container for all the individual documents.


The default viewing application for most file types is the Thereforeā„¢ Multi-format viewer which allows a large number of file types to be viewed without a native application on the user's PC. However, these settings can be changed for the current user. It is also possible to change the defaults for all users under the Advanced Server settings in the Thereforeā„¢ Solution Designer. Documents can of course only be edited when a suitable application is installed on the user's PC.


Supported File Formats


By default, Thereforeā„¢ Viewer uses Oracle to display files. A list of supported file formats in Oracle can be found here:


Administrators can set specific file extensions to be displayed via GroupDocs instead. To do so, navigate to File > Options > Viewing Settings, and click 'Add' to specify an extension. Under 'Viewing Type', select 'Therefore Multi-Format Viewer (GroupDocs)' from the drop-down menu. The 'Viewing Settings' can also be accessed in the advanced settings of the Thereforeā„¢ Solution Designer.


A list of supported file formats in GroupDocs can be found here:


Please also note that all other file types can be stored in Thereforeā„¢ and can be retrieved. If the file type is not supported by the Thereforeā„¢ Viewer, the user has to have a Viewer locally installed.


Blocked File Formats


The following file formats are blocked by default:


ade; adp; app; asax; ascx; ashx; asmx; asp; aspx; axd; bas; bat; browser; cer; chm; cla; class; cmd; cnt; com; compile; cpl; crt; cs; csh; der; dhtml; dll; exe; fxp; gadget; grp; hlp; hpj; hta; htm; html; hxt; inf; ins; isp; its; jar; jhtml; js; ksh; lnk; mad; maf; mag; mam; maq; mar; mas; master; mat; mau; mav; maw; mda; mdb; mcf; mde; mdt; mdw; mdz; mhtml; msc; msh; msh1; msh2; mshxml; msh1xml; msh2xml; msi; msp; mst; ocx; ops; osd; pcd; phtml; pif; pl; plg; prf; prg; pst; reg; rhtml; scf; src; sct; shb; shs; shtml; xhtml; zhtml; ps1; ps1xml; ps2; ps2xml; psc1; psc2; tmp; url; vb; vbe; vbs; vsmacros; vsw; ws; wsc; wsf; wsh; xbap; xnk


The Thereforeā„¢ Viewer also allows users to participate in workflows and complete Thereforeā„¢ tasks.


In addition scanning with a TWAIN driver is supported.

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