Retrieves the document from the server and opens it.
Retrieve (int, string, TheServer)
Retrieves the document from the server and opens it in read-only mode.
Retrieve (int, int, string, TheServer, bool)
Retrieves the document from the server and opens it in read-only or edit mode.
Retrieve (int, int, string, TheServer, bool, bool)
Retrieves the document from the server, opens it in read-only or edit mode and verifies the signature.
Retrieve (int, string, TheServer, bool)
Retrieves the document from the server, opens it in read-only mode and embeds the content files or not.
Retrieve (int, int, string, TheServer, bool, bool, bool)
Retrieves the document from the server, opens it in read-only mode or edit mode, verifies the signature and embeds the content files or not.
Please check the help pages of the various overloads for the exact syntax in Visual Basic and C#.