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Therefore Web API Programming Interface 1.0

If indexing is enabled on your system, you can launch a full text query looking for a specified string in the text body of all documents in a FullTextQuery-enabled Thereforeā„¢ category.


Steps 1-5 teach you how to define and execute a full text query. The optional step 6 illustrates some common ways to process the results of a full-text query.




 // 1. Create a channel factory to the web service endpoint


 ChannelFactory<IThereforeServicechannelFactory = new ChannelFactory<IThereforeService>(bindingendpoint);


 // 2. Create a channel to the web service endpoint

 IThereforeService service = channelFactory.CreateChannel();


 // 3. Define a query looking for "Therefore" in categories

 ExecuteFullTextQueryParams parameters = new ExecuteFullTextQueryParams();

 parameters.FullTextQuery = new WSFullTextQuery { Categories = new CategoryList() };

 parameters.FullTextQuery.Search = "Therefore";


 //query.Categories.Add(x);//add more categories here


 // 4. Execute the query

 ExecuteFullTextQueryResponse response = service.ExecuteFullTextQuery(parameters);


 // 5. Close the channel and channel factory.




 // 6. Process response.

 string info = "Found documents: " + response.Results.Count + Environment.NewLine;

 foreach (WSFullTextQueryResultRow row in response.Results)

         info += String.Format("Ctgry: {0}, Doc: {1}, Rank: {2}, Title: {3}{4}"row.CategoryNorow.DocNorow.Rankrow.TitleEnvironment.NewLine);





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