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For sandbox testing, the URLs have to be adjusted to match the following example:<environment name>/sandbox/api/v2.0/companies(<company id>)/ā€¦


To find out your environment name, click on ā€œ? -> Help & Supportā€


Scroll down to Troubleshooting to find your Azure AD Tenant ID.


To find out the company ID call the following API function:<environment name>/sandbox/api/v2.0/companies

This is a GET call without a body and requires the same authorization as the other API calls.


All Call REST workflow tasks expect 200;201 as the success code.

Also, all Call REST workflow tasks need authorization. For 365 tenants, this has to be OAuth:


Access Token URL:{{tenant}}/oauth2/v2.0/token


The Client ID and Client Secret have to be copied from the App registration for Business Central created in the Azure Active Directory.

For Thereforeā„¢ On-Premise authorization can still be basic authentication with username and password.

Thereforeā„¢ permissions need to be granted for calls 2 and 3 (THE-ADMIN or THE-USER).

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