Create Processing Journal |
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In this step, a delayed update of indexdata entry for the Therefore™ Business Central Connector is created. This ensures that it updates the index data when the invoice is posted so Therefore™ is updated with the new invoice number that is created on posting. Which index data fields should be updated still has to be defined by a mapping (associated with tbe TableID 122) in the Connector.
Endpoint:<environment name>/api/therefore/connector/v1.0/companies(<company id>)/processingjournals
Body Mapping:
JSON Name |
JSON Value |
TableID |
122 |
DocumentNo |
IndexData.GetField(“Invoice_No”) |
NAVDocumentID |
parseInt(IndexData.GetField("InvoiceID") |
CategoryID |
<Therefore™ category number for this workflow> |
Status |
“delayed update of indexdata” |
•122 is the Table ID of the Purchase Invoice Header.
•The CategoryID has to match the category of the workflow.
•The Status has to be set to “delayed update of indexdata” (this exact wording, with quotes) as a command that index data should be updated.
•NAVDocumentID has to be an integer value. If IndexData.GetField("LinkId") already returns an integer it can be used as is. If not, the JavaScript function parseInt can be used to convert a text value into an integer.