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Reference > Integration

Microsoft Outlook


Integration with Microsoft Outlook comes as a standard Thereforeā„¢ function.


Save in Thereforeā„¢

Saves the selected emails to Thereforeā„¢.


<Profile Name>

If indexing profiles have been configured, then a user can choose one of these.


    No Profile

A user can also choose to save with no indexing profile in which case a category and mandatory index data needs to be specified before the document can be saved.


Storage Format:

The format that the document will be saved to in Thereforeā„¢ can be chosen.


On Success:

Once saved to Thereforeā„¢ the document can be kept open (default), deleted or the document can be closed.



Choose what/how email content should be saved. The options are E-mail without attachments, E-mail with attachments in one file, E-mail with attachments in separate files, and Attachments only.


Open in Thereforeā„¢ Viewer

If this checkbox is selected then the document will be opened in the Thereforeā„¢ Viewer after successful saving.


Create/Edit/Delete Profile

Users with administrator permissions can create new profiles and also edit and delete existing profiles.