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Introduction > Multi-Tenancy > Connectivity Settings

Thereforeâ„¢ Mobile App


To use the Thereforeâ„¢ Mobile App with a tenant it is necessary to edit the file "TheMobileManager.exe.config" found in the Thereforeâ„¢ installation folder on the server e.g. C:\Program Files\Therefore\. The multi-tenant section simply needs to have the comment script enabled.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



    <!--uncomment this line to enable http-->

    <!--<add key="HttpEnabled" value="true" />-->


    <!--uncomment these lines in case of multi-tenant system-->

    <!--<add key="CacheCleanUpTime" value="30"/>

    <add key="CacheLocation" value="LocalTempFolder"/>

    <add key="WebServicePort" value="443"/>-->



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