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Introduction > Multi-Tenancy > Connectivity Settings

Thereforeâ„¢ MFP Scan


To use the Thereforeâ„¢ MFP Scan with a tenant it is necessary to edit the file "TheMFPManager.exe.config" found in the Thereforeâ„¢ installation folder on the server e.g. C:\Program Files\Therefore\. The highlighted lines below simply need to be deleted and then the file re-saved. If a secure connection is required, then the UseHTTPS value must be set to 1 and CertStore, CertLoc and CertPrint must be configured as described in the Solution Designer manual under the topic Therefore MFP Application.


<?xml version="1.0"?>


 <!-- *** Uncomment <appSettings> in a multi-tenant environment ***


         <add key="UseStandardXMLPort" value="1"/>

         <add key="FilePort" value="8373"/>

         <add key="UseHTTPS" value="0"/>

         <add key="CertStore" value="My"/>

         <add key="CertLoc" value="LocalMachine"/>

         <add key="CertPrint" value="Enter Certificate Thumbprint"/>

         <add key="DefaultDomain" value="domain"/>



 <!--optional key: <add key="XMLPort" value="8372"/>-->

 <startup><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/></startup>




If UseStandardXMLPort value is set to 1, then 80 (http) or 443 (https) XML port will be used.

XMLPort is an optional key that can be used for setting an additional port for XML communication.

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