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Introduction > Integration with SAP NetWeaver > Customizing Guide > Print List Customizing

Activate/Deactivate Print List Management in DMS


You use this customizing activity to determine whether a print list management record is created in the Document Management System (DMS) when you store a print list. The DMS is connected to the SAP NetWeaver® classification. If a print list management record is created, you can assign the print list attributes of your choice, and use these attributes for searching.


Navigate to the Print List Customizing folder and then click the Activity icon for Activate/Deactivate Print List Management in DMS (or right-click and choose Maintain Activity from the context menu). If you set the flag, you deactivate the creation of a print list management record in the DMS when storing a print list.    If you do not set the flag, a print list management record is created in the DMS. Press the button SAVE to save all changes.              

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