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Introduction > Integration with SAP NetWeaver > Customizing Guide > Print List Customizing

Edit Logical Output Device


You use this customizing activity to create a logical output device. You need to carry out this step before you can store print lists in a storage system. The output device is the logical printer to which the spool sends the storage requests.  


Navigate to the Print List Customizing folder and then click the Activity icon for Edit Logical Output Device (or right-click and choose Maintain Activity from the context menu).


1.In the input filed next to the button OUTPUT DEVICES please type in ARCH. Click the button OUTPUT DEVICES to display a detailed overview about the device.

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2.Press the button EDIT to change the device settings. Please choose ARCHLINK: SAP ArchiveLink Archiver from the list in the field DEVICE TYPE. Please select a SPOOL SERVER from the list of available systems. For the DEVICE CLASS please select ARCHIVING PROGRAM from the list. Type in a LOCATION title. Save the device settings by pressing the button SAVE. Generate a transport ticket by pressing CTRL-F3 or press the button TRANSPORT.


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© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved



The device type determines the storage format. The storage format is also determined by the profile parameter rspo/archive_format. The profile parameter determines the general appearance, and the device type determines the exact appearance of the print list to be stored.


You can determine the current settings of the profile parameter rspo/archive_format using the report RSPARAM. Only the system administrator can change the setting. You can implement two storage formats using the profile parameter rspo/archive_format :                                                                                                                                  

Format 1 (standard setting): Contains ASCII characters and line and form feed as control characters.

Format 2: Contains print controls, columns, commentary, and DARC index lines. The list has the same appearance as normal online list output.        


For creating print lists that contain color information and/or hyperlinks, the profile parameter rspo/archive_format  must be set to  format 2.                                                                                          

You can create a new output device and a new device type. Use the default settings for the output device ARCH and the device type ARCHLINK as a guide. For the procedure for creating an archive device and device type, see the SAP Library under  Documentation BC - Printing Manual in the section Defining and Modifying Device Types.                    

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