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Folders can be created and nested to help organize the referenced tables into logical groups and provide an easy to understand, hierarchical grouping. Another use for a folder would be to assign the same permissions to a group of referenced tables.  




New Referenced Table...

Opens a dialog for creating a new referenced table (see Creating a New Referenced Table).


New Folder

Create new folder (sub-folder) within this folder.



The folder can be deleted.



Export configuration definitions for this folder and sub-items.  By default the folder structure is not exported, if you want to export the folder structure make sure you check  Include Folder Structure in the Export dialog.


Security Report...

The security report contains all security settings. It allows you to document the final security configuration after installing a system. The security report is stored as a ".csv" file which can be viewed with Microsoft Excel.  



This displays the security dialog for the selected folder.

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