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Referenced Tables


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Referenced Tables allow a category's or case

definition's index fields to reference data in an external database. This provides a convenient way to link an index field to a database table from another system. Typically, this is done by setting up a view of the external database within the Thereforeā„¢ database.


The table needs to be in the Thereforeā„¢ database. Typically this is done by creating a view on the external database. Or, for Thereforeā„¢ Online systems where the Thereforeā„¢ server cannot access the external database, using Table Replication.


Right-clicking on the Referenced Tables object opens its context menu.




New Referenced Table...

Opens a dialog for creating a new referenced table (see Creating a new referenced table).


New Folder...

Create a folder (sub folder) to help organize referenced tables.



Export the configuration definition.


Security Report...

The security report contains all security settings. It allows you to document the final security configuration after installing a system. The security report is stored as a ".csv" file.



This displays the security dialog.


Right-clicking on a particular referenced table opens up a different context menu.




Open Referenced Table

Opens the Referenced Table dialog. A name for the referenced table must be specified, the table or view must be chosen and the column must be specified. This column will be the unique identifier for all dependent fields based on this referenced table.


Delete Referenced Table

Deletes the selected referenced table.



It is not possible to delete a referenced table if it is being used by one or more categories. You must first delete the field in every category that references the table.



When you remove an index field from a category definition, ALL of the existing values in EVERY document saved to Thereforeā„¢ for that category will be removed.



Export the configuration definitions for the selected referenced table.



This displays the security dialog for the selected referenced table.

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