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The Advanced tab allows modification of settings and additional advanced settings in a single, central location.
Compact Interval
Number of days to wait between compacting operations on the full-text index.
Consistency-check Interval
Number of days to wait between checking the consistency between the full-text index and the Thereforeā¢ database. If any inconsistencies are found, then the record will be deleted or added the queue for indexing, as required.
Context Words
Number of words to return to the client as context information on fulltext search results.
Full-Text Catalog
Name of the catalog.
Full-Text Max Block
Maximum allowed hit-list length.
Full-Text no Context
When set to false (default) the search string is highlighted in the hit-list. When set to True, the context is not shown, which results in better performance.
Index Language
Language or language pair for Noise Words. This will prevent words like "I", "am" etc. being included in the index.
Last Compact
Time/date when the index catalog was last compacted.
Last Consistency Check
Time/date when the index catalog was last checked for consistency.
Retry Errors Count
The number of times an error job should be retried before it is marked as a permanent error (default is 3).
Retry Errors Interval
The number of hours the indexing service should wait before retrying an error job (default is 48).
Full-Text Catalog Directory
Directory containing the Thereforeā¢ full-text catalogs.
OCR Languages
Languages to be included when OCR is used to generate full-text indexing from image files. By default all image-only PDFs and TIF files will be processed, but JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP and JPEG2000 formats are also supported and can be selected under the Advanced settings.
User Thesaurus File
Specify the file name of the custom Thesaurus file to be used for full-text searching. This must be first be configured according to the tutorial Configuring a Thesaurus and must be saved in the Thereforeā¢ Server directory. On multi-tenant systems, each thesaurus file can have a different name for different tenants, as required.