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A name for the transition can be specified. For transitions from manual tasks, this name will be listed in the Process/Finish Task list that the user sees in the Thereforeā„¢ Viewer. 



This is an optional description for the transition that will be displayed as a tool tip in Thereforeā„¢ Viewer.




Conditions for the transition can be specified. Clicking the Macro... button displays a list of the categoryā€™s or case definition's fields. Once created, the condition can be checked by clicking the Validate button.


Use this transition as ELSE path

If this check-box is checked, then the transition will be used in the case that the conditions in all other transition are not true.


Condition Error Text

A custom error message can be specified, which will be shown to users if they select this transition while its condition is not true.


History Text

A history text can be defined that will be displayed in the workflow history. Workflow and index field macros can be used to automatically insert values into the history text.


Additional Settings


Request Additional Information from User

If this is checked then the user to whom the task is assigned will have to fill in additional information in the Additional Information box on the workflow task dialog.        


Use transition for overdue instances. Overdue for more than ___

This transition is used only in situations when a task in an instance is overdue for more than the specified time. For example, for a task that has a duration set to 2 days: if this setting is checked and the time set to 1 day, then if the task is not completed in 3 days, this transition will be triggered.


       Make Transition invisible

If this selected, this particular transition will not be available as an option on the workflow task dialog. This option is only available if the option Use transition for overdue instances is checked.

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