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There are a number of actions that can be performed using URLs. These could for example be triggered from a 3rd party application that has the needed integration capability.


hmtoggle_arrow0Executing a cross category search via URL

TheGetDoc feature supports a search ID of a saved cross category search in the URL. After executing a cross category search, the results will be shown in the hit-list under the Thereforeā„¢ WebNavigator. Filtered values in the URL are also supported.


An example without a filter:



An example with a filter:



Replace FieldName with the caption or column name from the cross category search template, and replace filter_value with the value to filter (e.g. &date=09/02/2018)

hmtoggle_arrow0        Embed Thereforeā„¢ Web Access frames with EmbedApp.aspx

A demo website is attached to the bug. Change #SERVER to real server name and ## to document number. Extract and create a new web application in IIS.


The fix has introduced a new page which ensures the authentication cookies are removed. If required, it also ensures the user is disconnected before reaching the final destination. The new page is called EmbedApp.aspx and it is located under the TWA\Client root. It has a new query parameter called ā€œappā€. This parameter is used to specify the application to access Viewer/CaseManager/ReadOnlyViewer/TheGetDoc via the URL.


Valid app values are:






Example for ReadOnlyViewer:

    http://#SERVER/TWA/Client/WEB/Viewer/ReadOnlyViewer.aspx?DocNo=## or http://#SERVER/TWA/Viewer.aspx?DocNo=##&embed=true


Correct URL example:




Note: ā€œembed=trueā€ does not need to be added. The EmbedApp page appends it automatically if it is not defined in the URL.ā€



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