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New Device...

Define a new storage device.



View and edit role-based access for anything below this node.

Tutorials: Role-based access


Right-click on a specific device opens another context menu.


Open Device...

Opens the device dialog for the selected device.


Add Storage area...

Opens the storage area dialog to create a new storage area for the selected device.  


Delete Device

Delete the selected device.  Devices can only be deleted when they are no longer in use.


Clicking on one of the storage areas changes the view in the right pane.


Double-clicking on this object opens the Media Properties dialog



Name of the media.


Free Space

Free space on the media.


Set the media state

The media state can be set to assigned, full or damaged.



The name of the server.


Media Pool

The name of the media pool.


Offline Location

Optional description if the media is stored somewhere.  (e.g. shelf no. 5).


Is Backup Media

Specifies whether the medium is a backup medium as set during configuration (read only). 


WORM Medium

Set the medium as write once medium.


Media counters

Provide information on the media which can be reset.