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Search Functions


When browsing the Repository, there are four different methods of searching available to the user. Repository Search, Quick Search, Simple Search and Advanced Search.



Repository Search


One of the search functions available for Thereforeā„¢ Web Client is Repository Search. On any of the pages in the 'Repository', the user can search on the left hand side to narrow down the amount of folders in the tree-view.



Entering a term into the search field will narrow down the list to items with the search term.



Simple Search


This allows the user to perform a text search through the document.




This method will search for the desired term throughout the Document's Index Data by default. The user may click the arrow next to the search button to change this to an 'Extended Search', which will search for the term through the entire Document.



Quick Search


This Search function allows the user to quickly use saved search methods. These are simple searches that have been saved by the user previously.




Pressing one of these buttons will take the user with a list of the matching results.





Advanced Search


This search method will allow the user to use additional search terms and functions to narrow down the results list with Index Data.



The user can add or remove Index Data fields to search through by clicking the buttons matching each Index Data field. The selected fields are highlighted in blue and listed below. Pressing a field that has been selected will de-select it.



Different types of Index Data will allow for different search operators to be used. The user can select which search operator to use by clicking on the drop down list on the left.





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