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The Routing task implements a branching function. This task, and associated outbound transitions can be used to create simple programming logic similar to if, then, else and switch statements. See the tutorial New Workflow Process for details on how to configure a routing task.



Name of the task. Appears as the task name in the Workflow Designer and users see this name when they are assigned the task.



This can be set to a specific time or determined by a date index field. It determines the time after which the task will become overdue. It can then be used in conjunction with an escalation transition.


Type (read only)

Task type is set to Routing by the system.



Clicking the Edit button opens a dialog where it is possible to configure the error handling.  If the checkbox Treat as error if no valid transition is found is checked, then the workflow will immediately be canceled and an error will be logged.  If the routing task should wait for a certain index value to become valid, then this box should not be checked.  



A single routing task can support multiple transitions to other tasks. However, conditions must be set so that only one condition is valid at the time the routing task is executed. Otherwise, the task will result in an error.

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